Monday, June 27, 2016

NYC Begins

A momentous opportunity has been granted to me. I have been given the experience to take a course in New York City.

To many people, studying away allows them to explore a new environment. One from the United States may prefer to study in London or Tokyo, allowing themselves to be immersed in a whole different culture, even a whole different world. One from out of the country may wish to study away in California to get a diverse American experience. Me? I chose New York.

That may seem silly, since I'm from an area very close to Philly, but allow me to explain. I come from a small town. The population, according to Wikipedia, was around 9000 back in 2009. Now, I've heard we are down to the 7000s. Across the street from my house rests a corn farm. Walking down the path to the left leads to a very large farm, with some woods off to the side. There's a water pump there, and a water pump over at the park near my girlfriend's house. Our town has 2 elementary schools and a middle school. For high school, we had to travel a town over. To make it short, the area was small.

One of the biggest factors of why I attended Temple in the first place was to have a change of scenery. I quickly fell in love with the new environment, and I wanted more. So, when Dr. Gratson presented me with the opportunity, I took it in a heartbeat.

New York City is a different beast from Philly altogether, but it's one I intend to understand.

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